Not just a regular Terryn
This bicycle is not your regular Terryn but one of Eddy Merckx‘s personal bikes from the start of his professional career. We still can’t believe it! What are we looking at? A De Rosa track bike, repainted and sold by Charles Terryn in 1975.
The current owner is Elie Vanvlasselaer, a sympathetic Belgian guy living in Switzerland who won this bike at an auction on Facebook. We at Le Cycleur also participated, until it surpassed our budget, at that moment not knowing whom the bike actually had belonged to. So yes, we missed out on this one! (Elies facebook page: Renner )
Deeply devastated by this loss, we suggested restoring the bike. This way we could hold it in our own hands (for a moment) and share its history with you on our website. So no, this isn’t a bike owned by Le Cycleur but it’s on our website which is close enough.
The previous owner
Patrick was a very promising young cyclist (with some proper bikes as you can see) but due to circumstances, he had to stop just before he was about to enter the world of pro cycling.
The story (translated from flemish)
Hi Elie, thanks for your interest. I came as a young cyclist (16 years old in 1975) by the mechanic of Eddy Merckx (Charles Terryn) for the purchase of a new road bike. Charles had a bicycle shop in the area of Brussel.
Charles gave me a lot of advice on a good position on the bike as well as training tips
We then came along with the idea to continue my training in winter on the velodrome. but the purchase of a brand new track bike was too much money for me to spend on training. so Charles came up with a proposition. he had an old track bike from Eddy that he rode as a pro and suggested to clean it up for me. he also painted it in a new colour, red. as that was my favourite colour.
if you have any questions feel free to send me a message
Greetings Patrick Du Chau
What a great story right? Unfortunately, the previous owner stopped cycling when he was about to enter the world of pro cycling. Due to the nearly inhumane performance that was demanded from riders back then (and now).
But he did attend the 100km Time trial in Moskow in 1980
here are his other accomplishments:
The original story (Flemish for those who understand it)
Dag Elie, bedankt voor de interesse die je nodig hebt. Als jonge renner (16 jaar in 1975) kwam ik terecht bij de mechanieker (Charles Terryn) van Eddy Merckx voor een aankoop van een nieuwe wegfiets die ook een fietsenzaak had in het Brusselse.
Charles gaf mij veel goeie raad over houding op de fiets en training.
Daardoor kwam het idee om een deel van de wintertraining door te brengen op de piste,maar de aankoop van nieuwe pistefiets was toch veel geld voor wat training en gaf Charles mij een voorstel . Hij had nog de fiets waar Eddy nog mee gereden had als prof en stelde hem volledig in orde,ook een nieuw kleurtje wand rood was mijn lievelingskleur.
Hebt u nog vragen ,stuur maar een berichtje.
Groetjes Patrick Du Chau
Here are some extra pictures we got from Patrick, including his own rare Eddy Merckx professional ‘signature’ bicycle in near mint condition.
About the bike
If you are in to too many unnecessary pictures of old bikes you are going to enjoy this, I tried to get every detail on there.
- De Rosa pista frameset.
- Campagnolo Record Pista headset.
- ” bottom bracket 70ss-P Italian tread.
- ” Pista cransket 151 BCD 170m, unknown 151bcd chainring.
- ” Pista pedals, 60s model, steel dust caps.
- Campagnolo Record seat post (milled flutes)
- Cinelli 1A stem polished and a milled out ‘T’.
- Cinelli handlebars with old cloth tape.
- wheels: Campagnolo-FB hubs, Fiamme blue label rims, zinc plated steel spokes, Clement tubes.
- Cinelli unicanitor.
- cog and chain: unknown brand. Campagnolo lock ring
Restoration process
The goal is to restore this beauty with preserving as much as it’s history as possible, no repainting, just cleaning, light polishing but not removing the scratches. the Italians call it ‘restauro conservato’
The first step will be dismantling and thoroughly cleaning everything (with ultrasonic cleaning if needed) then polish the paint, remove the rust from the chain and hubs, lightly polish and clean the rims and hubs, regrease the bearings, cure the leather straps and saddle and finish it off with white cloth handlebar tape. now I’m not Harry Potter, note that this paint is faded badly but I will do my best to give it that pop back without removing any of its originality
Prachtig Bart !!!
Merci 🙂 moet er dringend eens aan beginnen ook